After a heated meeting of the Senate held earlier today, Senator Patreus made a rare appearance on ‘Question Everything’ to address the accusations levelled against Emperor’s Grace by Senator Lavigny.
“This is outrageous,” the Senator began.
“Emperor’s Grace has served as the loyal stewards of HR 706 for decades. A fact Senator Lavigny is well aware of.”
“The very idea that one of my own would dare instigate such an attack without my knowledge is preposterous. It would never happen.”
“It’s clear what this is actually all about.”
“If Senator Lavigny wishes to accuse me of something, she had better come up with more evidence than that weak pile of fabricated drek she calls proof.”
“If the Senator has anything of substance to share, I suggest she present it. I will not allow my men to be martyred for the sake of the Senator’s lust for the throne.”
“Emperor’s Grace has my full support. They will continue to govern HR 706 in my stead and their leaders will be released from their false imprisonment immediately. These trumped-up charges will not stand.”
According to security personnel on Achenar, the leadership of Emperor’s Grace has been released into Senator Patreus’s custody, and are currently serving under house arrest in HR 706.